Watch The Blind Side Online Movie Free Hollywood Film The Blind Side Watch Trailer English Movie Download free Wallpaper Video Songs Review Music Preview cast and crew I like a good underdog story. Remember the Titans or Erin Brockovich. What I don’t like is manipulation; those films that try and play your heart strings with scene after scene of emotional drivel in order to cover up for a lack of depth and likeable characters. There has to be an element of entertainment in any movie or else the audience is going to feel cheated.
The Blind Side Hollywood Movies 2009

Hollywood Movie Review
The Film The Blind Side Is the Sport Movie .
And I don’t mean entertainment for humors sake. There is little to laugh about in Titanic but if your characters are strong enough and the facts pure enough then there is an element of enjoyment even if not in the true definition of the word. You benefit from watching it even if you know their situation is dire. The Blind Side never has to apologize for its actions. It tells the story with a beauty and intelligence that is mentally engaging as well as entertaining. That is a good balance.
The Blind Side is the true story of a Memphis family who go out of their way to help out a young, impoverished student. The last thing on their mind was a book deal, movie rights, NFL drafts and red carpet premiers. They simply saw a need and did something about it. Period. Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) was a homeless teen struggling in school and with no clear hope for the future. Sean and Leigh Anne Touhy (Tim McGraw/Sandra Bullock) are the prominent family who took him in and gave him a place to sleep for the night. The one night turned in to many and before long they were sowing into this young man an opportunity to achieve things in life that none of them imagined. By the way, Oher is now a rookie for the Baltimore Ravens and playing in the NFL. Not a bad outcome for a guy most had turned their backs on as a young boy.
When I watched the trailer I was concerned that Bullock was playing her character to extremes. A blonde Bullock was one thing but this powerhouse with a southern drawl was too much. Then I met the real Leigh Ann Touhy and realized that Sandra was almost down playing her intensity and passion. It is safe to say that the characters in this film make it work as much as the story itself. They are likeable and over the top and too good to be true. Leigh Ann says the things we want to. Her family, though affluent, are still typical people. This makes for a lot of humor to balance out the dramatic elements of the film. To label this just another feel good story or an underdog sports documentary would be a travesty. If it where fiction it would still be entertaining and heart warming. The fact that it is true makes it outstanding and powerfully moving.
The Blind Side is rated PG-13 for one scene involving brief violence, drug and sexual references. This is a must see film for your family this Holiday season. Take out the one very brief scene that is so important in showing the life Oher came from and you have a film that is very safe, spiritual and thought provoking. I believe all young people need to see this movie with their families and then talk about what they can do in their own neighborhood and schools to reach out to someone in need. Sure, the Touhy situation is rare and we can’t all go to the extremes they did. But we can all do something and I dare you to walk away from this movie denying that fact. I give it 4.5 out of 5 rookies of the year. In this season of being thankful it is a good reminder to share what we have with others. So says Matt Mungle.
As an NFL writer for the past ten years, Michael Oher’s remarkable story is not new to me. I was introduced via Michael Lewis’ 2006 book The Blind Side. It was a fascinating account of how the position of left tackle in the National Football League has evolved into one of its most important and highest-paying jobs. After all, the left tackle’s role is to protect the “blind side” of the highest-paid player on the team—the quarterback. The focus of the book is offensive line prodigy Michael Oher, a big, homeless ghetto kid from Memphis, taken in by a rich white family and a Christian high school.
n the new Warner Brothers film by the same name (in theaters Friday, Nov. 20), teenager Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) is surviving on his own—virtually homeless—when he is spotted on the street by Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock, who looks better than ever). Learning that the young man is one of her daughter’s classmates, Leigh Anne insists that Michael (aka “Big Mike”)—wearing shorts and a t-shirt in the dead of winter—come out of the cold. Without a moment’s hesitation, she invites him to stay at the Tuohy home for the night. What starts out as a gesture of kindness turns into something more as Michael becomes part of the Tuohy family despite the differences in their backgrounds.
Living in his new environment, Michael faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome. And as the family helps Michael fulfill his potential, both on and off the football field, his presence in the Tuohys’ lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own.
I saw a screening of The Blind Side this past week. And while I don’t envision any Academy Award nominations, it is a very solid movie that every member of the family should see—a heart-warming, feel-good film that really shows the spirit of selfless giving and care that each of us can learn from. Maybe we won’t take matters to the extreme that Leigh Anne Tuohy did (or maybe we will), but we see the difference that can be made in another person’s life if we would take the time to open our eyes and get involved.
While at times a little corny and unbelievable (I can’t accept that Michael’s coach really answers his cell phone on the sideline or that Mrs. Tuohy pretty much takes over a team practice), The Blind Side has enough beauty in its message to accept the story as pretty much the way it happened. And even if it didn’t, we’re left kind of hoping that it did. The inevitable moments of turmoil do predictably appear, but not without a belief that things will get better. Quickly.
The Blind Side’ movie gets pretty good reviews from top critics. Warner Bros. Pictures released it’s new true life drama movie, “The Blind Side,” today,and the reviews are in. They look pretty good,getting mostly 4 star ratings across the board. While having just a few 3 star ratings.
Ann Hornaday from the Washington Post gave it 4 stars. She said, ” Grounded in the direct, disarming truth of their experience, the movie has a straightforward lack of cheap sentiment that saves it from being either too maudlin or saccharine-sweet.”
Joe Leydon from Variety gave it another 4 stars. He stated, “Uplifting and entertaining feel-good, fact-based sports drama.”
James Berardinelli also gave it 4 stars,stating, ” In a head-to-head comparison, one would be hard-pressed not to declare that “Precious” is the better film – it makes fewer compromises and doesn’t shy from showing the true ugliness only hinted at in this movie, but The Blind Side is more accessible. It’s easier to digest. In the end, both films tell stories of triumph over adversity – a category of drama that uplifts while offering a dollop of social commentary.”
Betsy Sharkey of the Los Angeles Times gave it 4 stars. She said, “Wisely, Hancock has given the film as much humor as heart.”
Michael Rechtshaffen over at “The Hollywood Reporter” gave it 4 stars. He said, “Bullock is an irrepressible hoot in writer-director John Lee Hancock’s otherwise thoroughly conventional take on Michael Lewis’ fact-based book “The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game.”
USA Today’s Claudia Puig gave it 4 stars. She stated, “Has strong performances and stirring football scenes.”
Wesley Morris of the Boston Globe rated it 4 stars. He said, ” Bullock’s levelheaded acting frequently saves the movie from emotional garishness.”
A.O. Scott from The New York Times gave it 3 stars. He said , “The film, not unsurprisingly for a holiday- (and football-) season release from a major Hollywood studio, plays this story straight down the middle, shedding nuance and complication in favor of maximum uplift.”
Mick LaSalle from the San Francisco Chronicle gave it 3 stars. He said, ” Never dull, but it’s rarely more than gently entertaining.”
Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly gave it a 3 star rating. He stated, ” A feel-good movie that never stops feeling good. The film is based on a true story (it was adapted from a nonfiction best-seller by Michael Lewis), but you never feel that Hancock has honestly captured what’s true about it.”
Nice movie. It has great story.
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